Benefits of Implant Dentistry

Losing even a single adult tooth can trigger a chain reaction of truly unwelcome events. It is why the team at Lansdowne Dental Care in Lansdowne, VA always encourages patients to consider the many benefits of implant dentistry. As the ultimate form of restorative dentistry, dental implants replace both the crown and the roots. They preserve gum and jaw tissue and ensure your healthy bite remains intact. Let’s take some time to understand what all of that means and why you will want to speak with our dental implants specialist if you have lost some teeth or at risk for doing so.

The Many Benefits of Implant Dentistry

As your trusted dentist in Lansdowne, we will recommend implants if you have lost one or more teeth. Though it may be primarily about restoring function to the mouth and even as part of a cosmetic dentistry plan, we make the suggestion because of the many profound benefits of implant dentistry. Just consider:

  • Dental implants prevent any bone loss in the jaw or tissue loss in the gums
  • Dental implants hold all of your remaining teeth in the proper position, and this ensures you don’t develop issues like uneven wear, TMJ or jaw pain, or breaking or cracking of teeth
  • Implant dentistry allows you to look, speak and eat like you have always done, and that means that one of the benefits of implant dentistry is that it ensures a greater quality of life
  • Implants are low maintenance and can last for decades with just basic oral hygiene and regular exams and cleanings
  • Even the “cons” of implant dentistry are often easily remedied. These include bone grafts, smoking cessation programs, and getting health issues under control

As you can see, there is much to love about implants. The treatment itself has a 95-98% success rate and is rapidly becoming one of the most commonplace treatments available. Though you will have a healing process, it takes less than a year and allows you to restore your mouth to the fullest function imaginable.

Interested in Dental Implants? Contact Us Today

Would you like to discuss implants? Just give us a call at our Lansdowne, VA office at (703) 723-7810. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

Tracey Nguyen